If Zombie Strain was a song, this puppet would be the bad-a*s guitar solo you keep replaying while smoking out. The rest of the movie is pretty damn good, but the puppet sequences are the parts that blast through the stratosphere of consciousness. This might sound demented until you see it, and then the puppet power becomes evident.
Also, that this is film is a Christmas film that is not up for debate. It takes place during Christmas, has Christmas-themed porn, has zombies dressed as Santa and elves, plus lots of decorated trees. That is Christmas on purpose, my friends. Also, Seabolt and Schroeder are geniuses for doing it.
There are several stoner Christmas movies, but nowhere near enough to meet the endless demand for new stuff to get high to while the relatives are visiting. Also, Christmas movies are fun to get high on, as good weed can feel like Christmas. Also, the twinkly lights. Now I want some milk and cookies to go with the Northern Lights.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Christmas movie called Zombie Strain that you can watch all year long with the right medication.
Shah joins the ranks of delightful film stoners with her oblivious performance as the too-high-to-fly Zoe. Shah has this instinct to find a cute spot in any dire situation and have a picnic in it.

“The found-footage cinematography does wonders to increase the realism and immediacy.”
As the bearer and main smoker of the zombie strain of weed, she retains the aura of mellowness and floats across the screen. Rarely has an actress captured the spirit of cannabis so potently. However, why, oh why, is she the only one who smokes the zombie strain throughout the picture?
I appreciate that Seabolt and Schroeder have included a well-crafted zombie movie with stoner comedy. The found-footage cinematography does wonders to increase the realism and immediacy. However, the brilliant concept of a weed so strong that you can walk with the zombies unbitten is not completely delivered.
I would have loved dozens more scenes where people are stumbling around high among zombies. I also waited for people to get strategically high to survive situations but then ran into goofy complications.
It’s not that I am not happy with what we get with Zombie Strain. I am just saying a concept this good deserves an immediate sequel so we can get out and really play with it. The same goes for the puppet—bring back the puppet.
Zombie Strain is the THC-heavy zombie jamboree your lungs have been waiting for.

"…Yes, Virginia, there is a Christmas movie called Zombie Strain..."