DANCES WITH FILMS 2021 REVIEW! Taking control of one’s destiny has been the mantra of the self-help industry for decades… actually forever. In writer/director Graham High’s short film, Zero One Zero, a young man finds a way to visualize his dreams and desires with unexpected, surreal results.
Chuck (Charlie Lind) is a young man in desperate need of a jump start in life. So he’s life-hacked his future through a healthy diet, rigorous workouts, and a positive Tony-Robbins-esque mindset. Now, all Chuck needs is companionship in the form of his Instagram crush, Chavonne (Alysha Young). For that, Chuck turns to a YouTube guru’s video guiding him through a visualization technique called Quantum Magic.

“…guiding him through a visualization technique called Quantum Magic.”
The technique is simple and utilizes a binary-based breathing technique (aren’t they all?). Breathe out on zero, in on, out on zero, in on one. Soon Chuck visualizes himself meeting Chavonne, and the two of them go out for drinks. Then suddenly, Chuck wakes up next to a very scared, very real Chavonne in her bed in reality… or is it?
Zero One Zero is a short sci-fi film shot with a low budget on iPhones, which tells Chuck’s story in a very personal way. Phones have become the way we connect with people during the pandemic, so using them in production makes sense and works. High tells an insightful story bringing social media, our obsession with media influencers, and life hacking to the ancient form of Eastern mysticism, mediation, and visualization.
The fun of Zero One Zero is jerking the poor, well-intentioned Chuck between his current reality, his optimal reality, and a world of ones and zeros. It’s quite a ride, which ultimately takes us to the film’s Twilight-Zone ending that Rod Serling would love.
Zero One Zero screened at the 2021 Dances With Films.

"…quite a ride..."