Up There Image

Up There

By Alan Ng | October 10, 2019

Michael Blaustein and Daniel Weingarten’s Up There tells the tale of two deeply flawed human beings, one by choice and the other by circumstance, and how their lives intersect, forcing them to face their flaws.

Jack (Daniel Weingarten) is a fledgling reporter sent on a less-than-spectacular assignment about how a mine closing in Michigan is affecting that community. As no one will talk to the stranger, Jack, the vibrant and charismatic Emma (Zoe Kanters) steps in and helps Jack secure the interviews.

“…Jack secretly uncovers Emma’s tragic past.”

Jack finds himself seemingly at the end of his young career as a journalist. He’s not making money and is working for the last outlet that will hire him, because of the mistakes he’s made in the past. Emma, on the other hand, is a little quirky. She is continually talking, whether someone’s around or not. She is a continuous stream of consciousness, and her only family is her brother, Champ (Michael Blaustein), a veteran with what I assume is a mild case of PTSD.

Jack and Emma are quickly drawn to one another. In return for helping him with the interviews, Emma asks that Jack help her with her writing. As the two become close, Jack secretly uncovers Emma’s tragic past. Looking to jumpstart his career, he pitches Emma’s story to his editor…who loves the idea.

Up There (2019)

Directed: Michael Blaustein, Daniel Weingarten

Written: Zoe Kanters, Michael Blaustein, Daniel Weingarten

Starring: Zoe Kanters, Michael Blaustein, Daniel Weingarten, etc.

Movie score: 8/10

Up There Image

"…a professional-looking film with great performances."

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