An oblivious tourist quickly learns that when it comes to vacation, timing is everything in William Peters and Asher Ellis’s short film Trophy.
Peter (Matt Clark), a flashy real estate agent with a personalized “TROPHY” license plate, heads to a campground to explore his recent purchase of wilderness property. Upon arrival at a campground parking lot, he converses with a Local (Kim Rohberon), boasting about his real estate purchase in a highly sought-after wilderness locale. However, Peter’s matter-of-fact chatting receives an awkward and chilly response, hinting at something amiss. “It’s a strange time of year for you to be out there,” she remarks.

“Why is the affluent real estate agent Peter being hunted, and how can he escape alive?”
Peter is on a business call as he hikes until he loses cell reception. He soon realizes he’s lost and hears gunshots in the distance. In a panic, he stumbles across an empty campsite with a single tent, seeking safety and a way back to his car.
In Trophy, there is a mystery to solve. Why is the affluent real estate agent Peter being hunted, and how can he escape alive? While Trophy drifts in the direction of The Twilight Zone, our tale is more about irony than the human condition.
Beautifully shot and directed in its forest locale, Trophy is a solid thriller with an intriguing final moment.

"…Timing is everything..."