José María Flores’ short film, The Companions, ponders whether death is as scary or mysterious as we think it is. A man and a woman walk home after a date night and are thankful for a night away from their children. Their stroll is interrupted by a crowd looking at a severe accident. The man decides to call emergency services, and when he asks a young woman from the crowd, she begins singing, “Don’t be afraid. Everything is fine.” In an instant, the entire crowd begins to sing with her.

“Their stroll is interrupted by a crowd looking at a severe accident.”
The Companions is a surreal tale about death filmed in what appears to be one continuous shot. The choreography is brilliant, and to say more would spoil the story. The camera is placed on a boom, creating a floating motion around the action, and our protagonists are accompanied by an angelic choir of “angels.” The companion is haunting, lyrical, and poignant, with a profound ending that will stay with you long after.

"…haunting, lyrical, and poignant..."