HOLLYSHORTS 2020 FILM FESTIVAL REVIEW! The amusing animated short film Tiffany Brittany Brooke presents the classic tale of a young woman, the titular Tiffany Brittany Brooke, on a bus bound for Los Angeles to fulfill her dreams of becoming an entertainer… of sorts. After failing to make it big in her chosen profession, she falls prey to a seedy older man.
The older man, Morty, uses Tiffany Brittany Brooke’s lack of funds to draw her slowly and inexorably into a much less glamorous profession as… an entertainer of sorts.

“…Tiffany Brittany Brooke [is] on a bus bound for Los Angeles to fulfill her dreams of becoming an entertainer…”
Tiffany Brittany Brooke is a one-joke story, but it’s a good joke for a few minutes. If it lasted any longer than its approximately 15-minute runtime, it would wear out its welcome.
Director Cevin Soling gets maximum bang for the buck in this snarky little movie. He manages to lampoon the entertainment industry sacred cows of Hollywood during the beautifully animated Tiffany Brittany Brooke. He also turns the notion of the nobility of following one’s deepest desires to happiness right on its head.
Tiffany Brittany Brooke screened at the 2020 Hollyshorts Film Festival.

"…Soling gets maximum bang for the buck in this snarky little movie."