Filmmaker Tim Polomani’s short film, The Rabble, tells an odd tale about totalitarianism and a resistance movement determined to overthrow it. In 2024, the Congress of Academies established total control, mandating an extra year of indoctrination—I mean, education for everyone. Completing these government courses will help you procure a work permit and the ability to earn a living.
The story begins in a classroom where the Professor reviews homework. Liana (Diana Fleyer), a rebellious student, defies the system by dancing before eventually quitting in frustration. Outside, she discovers a mysterious black sphere, picks it up, and passes out. Later, she awakens with a fellow outcast student, Ms. Plotnik (Ailin Gasparian). Disenchanted by the system’s oppressive indoctrination, the two decide to live outside its constraints.
Along with Bob (Ilya Tribelsky) and Ms. Plotnik, Liana forms a secret group called The Rabble to resist the Academies’ control. They strategize to confront Mr. Krullen, the head of Friendship Academy, who refuses direct meetings and demands their plans in writing. As their resistance evolves, a mysterious man questions the purpose of their struggle, hinting at the cyclical nature of revolutions.
“Liana forms a secret group called The Rabble to resist the Academies’ control.”
The trio considers how a rebellion can occur, but the discussion becomes much more philosophical than practical. The group continues to debate symbols and tactics, grappling with resistance’s ethical and practical implications. Through Liana’s defiance, the story explores themes of individuality, systemic oppression, and the recurring cycles of rebellion against authority.
The Rabble was submitted to us under the WTF category, and it shows. This surrealistic…more subversive tale considers the approach to rebellion from both a practical and nihilistic viewpoint. The trio debates symbols and tactics, grappling with their ethical and practical implications. Through Liana’s defiance, the story explores themes of individuality, systemic oppression, and the recurring cycles of rebellion against authority.
As a short film, it’s very quirky, with all characters donning Russian accents and various dreamlike figures posing as allegories. The Rabble poses more questions than answers about the imposing nature of authority over its people. If you need more politics in your life, The Rabble is the think piece you’re looking for.

"…need more politics in your life, The Rabble is the think piece you're looking for."