The Bully Caterpiller Image

The Bully Caterpiller

By Alan Ng | November 17, 2020

Do I think The Bully Caterpillar is any good? When it comes to animation, everything can’t be Pixar quality, especially on a low budget. The filmmakers used top-notch off-the-shelf animation software that I’ve personally dabbled with in the past. The animated feature is better than anything I ever produced, but not by much. The style is 2D limited animation, and though not pretty, it works for the story being told.

There are some serious flaws, both technically and with the story. Some audio issues stand out. My guess is that COVID may be the main culprit, as a significant portion of the audio sounds like it was recorded in a bathroom. In contrast, the rest was recorded professionally before lockdown. One has to make due and adapt to limitations and challenges in these times, but it’s noticeable.


“The style is 2D limited animation, and though not pretty, it works for the story being told.

I should also add that the voice acting isn’t that great either. Most of the actors sound like their reading from the screenplay without any attempt to create exciting voices. The Butterfly Council segment is the best example of plain voices reading off a script. When it comes to animation for children, it’s best to have fun so that the kids watching will have fun as well.

Storywise, The Bully Caterpillar runs at just over 90-minutes, and it feels long. The pacing could have been sped up just a little. The first seven minutes are spent introducing characters. There has to be a better way to accomplish this that is fun and exciting for kids.

While I can’t recommend The Bully Caterpillar for most adults, I can recommend it for their young children.

The Bully Caterpillar (2020)

Directed and Written: Jay Carter, George Mattmiller

Starring: Craig A. Miles, Joanna Cassidy, Damon V. D'Amore, etc.

Movie score: 6/10

The Bully Caterpillar Image

"…there's fun music, crazy characters, an easy-to-understand tale to follow and challenge young minds..."

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