A confident ladies’ man reconsiders going on a date after hearing gossip at the local barbershop in Jayson Johnson’s romantic short, T.H.O.T?
Kev (Arion Johnson) is so transfixed on his impending date that the world around him is silent as he sits in the barber’s chair, getting ready to impress. Kev’s T.H.O.T. for this evening is Stacy (Phoenyx Rose), and he daydreams about the various positions they’ll be in later that night. While finishing up his new cut, his buddies are going on about Stacy, but are they talking about the Stacy “with the three kids” or the Stacy “with no kids?”
Meanwhile, Stacy is getting ready for her date and going on about Kev to her roommate, Tasha (Quania Love Jones). For Stacy, the dating scene has been challenging, but now she knows what she wants in a partner. Kev is thoughtful and consistent, while Stacy is a hopeful romantic, but not a hopeless one. She’s the first to arrive at the diner for their date. Her server, Isiah (Adrian Marcel), is there to tend to her every need, but “knowing” Stacy’s reputation, will Kev show up?
“…are they talking about the Stacy ‘with the three kids’ or the Stacy ‘with no kids?’“
Jayson Johnson’s T.H.O.T? is a contemplative thought on dating. For Kev, his date with Stacy is about how things will end that night… that is, once he figures out which “Stacy” he’s going out with. For Stacy, her date with Kev is about how things will end or not further down the road. But like any good romantic tale, it takes a “hopeful” turn, not a “hopeless” one in the end.
Thanks to great performances from its cast, T.H.O.T? gets right to the heart of the matter showing the pitfalls of short-term love and the “hopeful” potential for those who want a love that lasts.
For screening information about T.H.O.T?, visit Jayson Johnson’s official website.

"…gets right to the heart of the matter showing the pitfalls of short-term love..."