This brings us to the other aspect that makes Survive a bona fide Christmas colossus: David Devlin’s astounding cinematography of the snow-covered peaks. The frozen Italian vistas are the living, breathing incarnation of the marshmallow world Sinatra sang about. I’m a Christmas lights junkie, but I have to admit the endless white panoramas looked a lot like Christmas to me. Legendary music video director Pellington immediately makes everything look like a billion bucks with a jaw-dropping opening dream sequence that lets you know this is a class act.

“…breakneck pacing…”
This film is on the level of his work on Arlington Road. The acting is absolutely superb. Hawkins really struts his stuff, as he has to go to extremes here. At no point did I feel he was safe and surrounded by the crew; I really believed he was about to fall off the side of a cliff. Turner makes an impossibly complex role that does no one any favors, as she has to embody such an unpleasant subject into somebody to care for. She defiantly owns her character’s attitudes. Every transformation Turner goes through is earned, not scheduled.
The breakneck pacing may come from the original episodic form, as this was made a few years ago for the short-lived mobile streamer Quibi. Some may have a problem with the overly sentimental ending, but that is another area where this is a true blue Christmas movie. Besides, you need that extra sweet ending to wash away the suicide aftertaste. Survive is a powerfully acted and visually stunning work that is worthy of repeat viewings for those whose Christmas is blinded by the darkness behind the lights.

"…a bona fide Christmas colossus..."