Ordinary human beings tackle the physical world every day, but Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible focuses on individuals who regularly attack the metaphysical world. Writer-director Caroline Cory hones her documentary in on extraordinary individuals, with “extra-sensory” powers, many of whom are considered psychic. With the help of some scientific experts, the filmmaker attempts to make her audience aware of incredible human feats that are often overlooked and believed to be impossible.
Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible begins brightly and vibrantly, quickly engaging audiences. Cory envelops viewers into this exaggerated world almost immediately as she prepares to provide them with some rather interesting tidbits of scientific information. Shortly after the opening, Cory, her cast, and crew begin talking about a very taboo topic. At this point, there are only two ways to interpret the information provided, essentially meaning that there are two sides to the documentary. First, there is the side that sparks interest in the audience, and the second makes viewers doubt everything about it and the information provided.
The film’s content is something that is so weird that some audiences, even some of the most skeptical ones, must stop to consider if what is said is possible. Cory finds ways, throughout Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible, to regularly re-intrigue audiences and give them reasons to stay focused on what is taking place. This is a testament to her storytelling and directorial abilities. She certainly has what it takes to create fascinating content that engrosses audiences from beginning to end.
“…extraordinary individuals, with ‘extra-sensory’ powers, many of whom are considered psychic.”
The flip side of this is that a lot of what is discussed makes audiences a little doubtful about what Cory is trying to convince them of. Audiences hear scientists and historians talk about how countries have studied extra-sensory abilities in humans and that “they may still be interested.” As I am a cynic when it comes to the material of this nature, I immediately ask myself why these countries have stopped worrying about things like telepathy. My answer ends up being along the lines of “because it’s nonsense.” As the movie fails to provide satisfying answers, I struggled to imagine an explanation that supports Cory’s theories that she, and other humans around the world, possess these extra-sensory powers.
Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible strains its credibility with audiences even further when Cory uses actors who have no credibility in any scientific field, to help prove her theories. Notably, the filmmaker employs Corey Feldman, who appears to have, long ago, gone off the deep end. She leans heavily on opinion rather than scientific fact in an attempt to prove her beliefs; this attempt falls short.
Ultimately, I began leaning toward the second side of the coin, once I understood that most of what Cory says is opinion rather than fact. It is clear that she can intrigue audiences and continuously reignite interest in the stories that she tells. She, however, struggles to justify the story she’s chosen to chronicle.
Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible ultimately feels like a magic trick, which is nothing more than sleight-of-hand and illusion. Presenting magic as factual undermines the craft behind it, as it is impossible to take seriously. The movie ultimately fails, as Cory is unable to provide reasonable evidence to support her thoughts and theories.
"…[Cory] can intrigue audiences...however, struggles to justify the story..."
I, too, am a skeptic, but I am skeptical from both directions. To me it seems there is something fishy about the psi powers demonstrated, and I find some of the “scientific explanations” offered in the film to be embarrassingly non-scientific but, at the same time, I also need evidence to support the idea that virtually everyone in the film is either lying or being conned. If you decide, upfront, that someone is trying to deceive you, then it become way too easy to simply assume, for example, that the kids must be peeking and the scientists who supposedly confirmed that there was no light under the masks must be lying or duped in some way. The film’s presentations are too breezy, but the standard refrain “they’re cheating” is too breezy too.
Nonsense from beginning to end. “What the Bleep Do We Know” copycat. Pseudoscience at best, made-up s**t at worst. As for the children running around blindfolded, my guess is that the inch-thick foam has cutouts around the eyes, and the children can see right through the black plastic shields. Just as we can see right through this movie.
I am glad you can see that the movie lacks on so many different levels. None of the evidence is scientific or would stand up to scientific scrutiny. It is blatantly obvious the blinded children are peaking, as is the adult with the colors. You can see the person who is testing her flash the corner of each color just prior to her saying it. I could go on and on.