Rhino Man Image

Rhino Man

By Michael Talbot-Haynes | September 20, 2024

This is where, in a normal review, I would put in a pun of some sort about horns to lead into the world-changing rhino poaching documentary Rhino Man, directed by John Jurko II, Matt Lindenberg, and Daniel Roberts. However, this is not a normal review because Rhino Man is no ordinary documentary. Filmed in South Africa, the film is built around a training camp for wildlife rangers led by Ruben De Kock. Their mission is to guard some of the very few rhinos left from poachers.

The price of rhino horns is stratospheric, mostly due to an internet hoax around 2008 where it was claimed to cure cancer. Even though it is nothing more than built-up hair fiber, the black market value of rhino horn remains high as its illegal use is seen as a status symbol. Ruben has been training battalions of rangers to protect the rhinos for decades with the help of his wife, Marianne De Kock. He built the program with Martin Mthembu, whom De Kock called the Rhino Man, who died tragically in a car accident.

“Their mission is to guard some of the very few rhinos left from poachers.”

The training program for the prospective rangers is brutal, with people dropping out and going home every day. Only the strongest will make it, like head ranger Anton Mzimba. He explains that the rangers must be strong to stand up to the constant threat of death in their job. With poverty so high in the towns nearby, the wave of poaching never stops, with everyone playing for keeps. 40% of ranger deaths are homicides at the hands of poachers, who will murder and kidnap families to keep the rhino blood money spraying.

I admit it: when my editor assigned me this film, I thought it would be a campy superhero film, something along the lines of Creating Rem Lezar. To completely surrender to cliché, these rangers are the real superheroes. I also admit that due to growing up during “Save The Whales,” I have gradually numbed myself against a lot of the reality of extinction. Not anymore. Rhino Man is an eye-opener that will stampede your perspective wide open.

Rhino Man (2024)

Directed and Written: John Jurko II, Matt Lindenberg, Daniel Roberts

Starring: Anton Mzimba, Ruben De Kock, Marianne De Kock, Martin Mthembu, Yvette Taylor, etc.

Movie score: 9.5/10

Rhino Man Image

"…These rangers are the real superheroes."

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