Despite being labeled a traitor and scandalized by the media, “Red Joan” is an inspiration. She follows her heart while showcasing her brilliance. She becomes a communist sympathizer because she believes in a fair world. She shares British intelligence with Russia because she strives to even the playing field. If everyone has a nuclear bomb, then no one nation would dare use their own in fear of retaliation.
Lindsey Shapiro has captured an intriguing piece of hidden history, showcasing women’s strengths and the overlooked roles they played during the world’s most turbulent times of war. Joan boldly fights for her sense of justice and equality in an attempt to protect the world and save humanity. Empathy for everyone surpasses one’s duty to a country. It is fascinating to watch her unique story unfold and we marvel as she justifies her bold actions decades later – when she almost got away with it all.
Red Joan (2019) Directed by Trevor Nunn. Written by Lindsey Shapiro. Starring Judi Dench, Sophie Cookson, Tom Hughes, Stephen Campbell Moore, Ben Miles. Red Joan screened as part of the 2019 San Francisco International Film Festival.
8 out of 10 stars