There is a constant tension between the personal and the commercial in music, explored in Colter Harris’ short film Nu Metal Will Never Die. Derek (Brandon Manderville) is a starving musician who left his small town of Altoona, PA, only to return in disgrace (in his mind) to start anew. On the other side of fame, Derek discovers a new style of music known as nu-metal and insists that his old band change to stay relevant. The result is that some members leave, and others question his new direction. The new band consists of Craig (Jack Whyte), Kevin (Boxcar Ted), Trish (Dylan Mars Greenberg), Zeke (Leo Didkovsky), and TJ (Joseph Abrahms).
A bit of sweetness comes with Nu Metal Will Never Die. Writer/director Colter Harris highlights the tension between musicians being themselves and the reality that no one wants to hear you as yourself.

“…Derek discovers a new style of music known as nu-metal and insists that his old band change…”
Brandon Manderville delivers a nuanced performance in the short film. He portrays an artist on the brink of fame who is faced with harsh reality. Having come so close to achieving his dreams, he is determined to attain them at all costs.
The rest of the cast is a wild bunch of characters with their personal wants and desires in the music game. Writer Harris gives everyone their moment to shine…and the music ain’t bad either.
Nu Metal Will Never Die poignantly reminds us of the struggle between artistic authenticity and the demands of the music industry. This short film resonates with anyone who’s ever wondered if their voice will be heard—even if the world has turned the volume down.

"…resonates with anyone who’s ever wondered if their voice will be heard."