Some movies are too short, some are too long, and some are just right. Clarissa Jacobson and J.M. Logan’s new horror-comedy Lunch Ladies is a hilarious blood-soaked journey that is the exact right length.
Seretta (Donna Pieroni) and LouAnne (Mary Manofsky) are put upon lunch ladies, both of whom are absurdly obsessed with Johnny Depp. They receive a letter informing them that they won the grand prize in a contest to personally cook for Mr. Depp. But the tough principal of their school, Mr. Grossfetig (Chris Fickley), is threatening to fire them if the school lunches don’t improve. This means they would no longer have the funds to travel to the city to cook for the acclaimed actor. This stress coupled with the ridicule of the school kids harassing these two all the time pushes the best friends to their breaking point, and they accidentally kill student Alexis (Daisy Kershaw). Asking WWJD (What Would Johnny Do?), they land upon a Sweeney Todd inspired moment. Will the trashy but lovable duo get caught? Or do they get to meet their idol?

“…funny, oddly sweet, gory good time…”
Pieroni and Manofsky make for a charming duo and easily win the audience to their side. Their frustrations with the job and how undervalued they feel are relatable. As the mean teen Kershaw gets a few laughs while still being simply the worst kind of person. While her ultimate fate is overkill, it does not feel wholly unjustified. J.M. Logan’s direction is full of style and energy, with excellent editing and sense of dread to allow both the comedy and the gory horror to excel when they need to.
Lunch Ladies is one of the funniest, oddly sweet, gory good times to come out in a long time. Check it out as soon as possible.
Lunch Ladies (2018) Directed by J.M. Logan. Written by Clarissa Jacobson. Starring Donna Pieroni, Mary Manofsky, Chris Fickley, Daisy Kershaw, Jonny Carlo, John Comerford. Lunch Ladies is playing as part of the 2018 Mammoth Film Festival.
Grade: A+
[…] included zombie comedy Z Fest from Spanish director Gorka Leon, J.M. Logan’s John Waters-inspired Lunch Ladies and Z-Goat: First Bleat, an intense battle with a demon from Belgian directors Julien Jauniaux and […]