In Luke Longmire’s short film, Keep Scrolling, pesky demons find new and trendier ways to possess their next victims.
A little girl is home alone, scrolling through cute animal and makeup videos on TikTok. Then, unexpectedly, the girl scrolls upon a TikTok live of a hideous presence. As she scrolls away, the algorithm continues to send her back to the demonic life. When the girl flips her camera, it shows that the figure is outside her house.

“…the algorithm continues to send her back to the demonic life…”
Running at just under four minutes, Keep Scrolling gets right to the action. Filmmaker Luke Longmire masterfully sets up the situation and quickly builds the tensions and scares. I’ll be honest. The film ends so quickly that I wanted more story and scares. That said, this horror entry features great performances from the Longmire clan and looks professional from start to finish.
Keep Scrolling is currently available on the Longmire YouTube Channel.

"…quickly builds the tensions and scares."