Good Job Image

Good Job

By Bobby LePire | March 27, 2020

Reynaldo Dumas stars in, directs, and wrote the extremely short film Good Job. It runs less than 2-minutes, and tells the story of Reggie (Dumas; the only character on screen), as he is preparing for self-isolation and social distancing. So, Reggie makes sure he has enough supplies, washes his hands, and decides he should check in on his mom.

That is the entirety of the film, excluding the last 30-seconds, because spoiling it wouldn’t be fair to you or Dumas. All that matters is this- is Good Job worth your time? Yes, it is cute and fun. A punchline from his mother over the end credits proves a solid laugh.

“…Reggie makes sure he has enough supplies, washes his hands, and decides he should check in on his mom.”

Dumas is charismatic enough to make it all work. He sounds natural and good-hearted when saying hi to his mom. His editing firmly established the supplies and precautions the character is taking during these uncertain times. While the movie is not out to challenge your notions, its sweet message and capable directing will win you over.

What I would love to see is for Good Job to become a series. Dumas would document his character, Reggie, as he continues to be quarantined. Maybe on the second day, he realizes he does not have enough canned fruits and must venture to the grocery store. Cue heartfelt twist, rinse and repeat for each major scenario that could crop up while isolating oneself.

Good Job is well-intentioned, sweet, and directed with enough skill to work. In trying times, a bit of winsome escape is necessary, and writer-director-star Reynaldo Dumas delivers just that. It is warm, sweet, and less than 2-minutes long, so why haven’t you watched it yet?

Good Job (2020 )

Directed and Written: Reynaldo Dumas

Starring: Reynaldo Dumas, etc.

Movie score: 7/10

Good Job Image

"…its sweet message and capable directing will win you over."

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  1. Ileana Gonzalez says:

    Thanks for checking on me several times every day, Reynaldo and congratulations on the movie score of 7/10 Film Threat awarded to your film. You always make me so proud. Mom

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