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For When You Get Lost

By Parker Whitmore | December 4, 2023

People can come of age at any age, and that prevailing message remains one of the largest themes For When You Get Lost has to offer. It’s powerful, ever-present, and makes this whole thing worth it. Still, the mystique surrounding June’s father never allows its audience to care about the trauma he created. That emotional damage can be perceived, yes, but has trouble hitting home when all we get are vignettes over video up until the very end.

Regardless, Sorenson — who also wrote and produced the film — uses the contemplative nature of a good old-fashioned road trip to zoom in on the universal issues we all face, and draws real attention to life’s ongoing challenges. Quotable and, at times, crass, the dialogue feels true to life, and I wound up reciting lines long after everything was over.

Once June and Cami arrive at their father’s, we see that his condition has taken a turn for the worse. He is brought to their local hospital, and the family finally gathers to say goodbye. Does anyone have any tissues? Cathartic and uplifting, June and Cami’s final moments with their dad are the beating heart of this film.


You’ll laugh to keep from crying.”

For When You Get Lost taps into a level of emotionality we all can relate to, and director Michelle Steffes can easily capture these human moments—helping channel well-acted performances that feel wildly authentic. This whole endeavor was a labor of love, and it spoke to a group of filmmakers who had a huge amount of fun putting it together.

In the end, For When You Get Lost teaches us that we aren’t all perfect, might be a bit hypocritical, but we’re trying — and that should be more than enough.

Okay… This is the part where I ask you all to please drink responsibly and let our underage readers know that they shouldn’t imbibe. Film critics are known the world over for their sound life advice, right? So know that if I say having a little hooch before it’s legal isn’t a good idea — I’m being honest. Sorry, kids.

Go watch For When You Get Lost instead, and wait your turn.

For When You Get Lost (2023)

Directed: Michelle Steffes

Written: Jennifer Sorenson

Starring: Jennifer Sorenson, Elizabeth Alderfer, Mark L. Taylor, Aja Bair, Cat Hammons, etc.

Movie score: 9/10

For When You Get Lost Image

"…"For When You Get Lost doesn't pull punches when it comes to the drama we see on-screen...""

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