Kirk Demarais’ short film “Flip,” is an imaginative piece that reminds us all of the glory days of childhood. Before car payments, utility bills, and even girlfriends/boyfriends, there were those innocent days of our youth that consisted of nothing less than trying to have fun. Flip is a boy growing up in the sixties, and in his case (which may relate to some of us), midnight horror movies on television, monster comic books and cheap novelty toys bring him that pleasure.
Flip gets a late birthday card in the mail from his Grandma. Lucky for Flip, she enclosed a dollar with the message, “spend it wisely.” So he initiates the search in one of his comic books that has an advertisement complete with all of these exciting, yet worthless, trinkets some of you may have even been subjected to. Things like X-Ray specs, invisible ink pens, sea monkeys, whoopee cushions, the list goes on and on. Items you may have thought to be the greatest sounding gadget in the world but when it arrived, its inability to function the way it was promoted taught you the very meaning of spending your money wisely.
“Flip” is becoming an audience favorite at various film festivals around the country and it is easy to see why. While the film takes place in the sixties, it’s easy for anyone to relate to the excitement and imagination of this little boy. This is a solid debut short film produced by a group of friends that should motivate any inspiring filmmaker to quit talking, and just get out there and create something.