I have sought wild, freewheeling cinematic thrill rides throughout my life. I have gorged on horror movies, midnight cult films, weird bootlegs from Asia and Europe, and 70s grindhouse epics. One of the reasons I review outlaw films from the indie sector is the chase for movies that pack a punch. Demise delivers a kick that will knock the popcorn out of your bag. The plot twists are more vicious than those illegal carnival rides that injured people in New Jersey. The juiciness goes gusher surprisingly early and never lets up, relentlessly getting juicier and juicier.
The level of cruelty is applaudable, going darker than even a Punisher movie has gone. This is the adrenaline-laced nerve blast for those viewers who think they are bored with everything. Estrada Lowe has crafted an infernal fun machine that jolts the system with dark lightning strikes. There is even some well-balanced body double nudity, which in the post-exploration landscape is a rarity to be savored. As a writer, Estrada Lowe has a genius for manipulating audience identification, as she builds up sympathies that are then served to the Devil. You will be thoroughly played with and will love every minute of it.

“…the adrenaline-laced nerve blast for those viewers who think they are bored with everything.”
Yes, I am perfectly aware this movie is made with a female target audience. The laser focus on dresses and fashion was a bit of a tip-off. I also noticed how many times they make Mendez take his top off. I am also aware of the stripped-down cinematic vocabulary that is utilized. The setups are not highly stylized, and older methods like fade-to-black are used. These are the norms of this kind of genre, as the visuals serve a spectacular story instead of the usual vice versa. Demise is a perfect example of why these techniques work and are still used. The production has the unadorned simplicity of a hypodermic needle and is just as effective.
I dare anyone who hasn’t seen a woman’s picture to watch Demise and see how many times the hair on your arm stands straight up. All the evil lava in the latest Dr. Strange movie can’t muster up the jolts to be had here. Also, Fenning is now officially on my actresses to watch out for list. She is several shades of amazing here, showing an emotional palette that runs from ethereal lightness to the deepest dark. This shows the grindhouse goodies of the future will be found in the strangest places.

"…has the unadorned simplicity of a hypodermic needle and is just as effective."
Looking forward to seeing this movie. I’m hearing good things about it.
Phenomenal review. “ I also noticed how many times they make Mendez take his top off”….Had me in tears. We need more critics who just get it