Matthew Kyle Levine‘s short film, Daddy’s Wallet, tracks the relationship of the older Daddy (Daniel Martin Berkey) and the much younger girlfriend, Natalie (Gina Holden). She wants to take their relationship to the next level, but he is apprehensive about it. The main reason he is coy about committing is because it means divorcing his current wife and moving in together.

“…it means divorcing his current wife and moving in together.”
Daddy is clearly conflict-adverse and not looking forward to breaking the news to Wife (Natasa Babic), or Daughter (Kelley Heyer), who is the same age as Natalie. Wife is distraught over the revelation, and Daddy can’t seem to completely go through with the divorce, making the most cowardly choice possible.
Though the sexual escapades of the much older man and the young woman have been told before in films, what I liked about Levine’s story is how this love triangle is not a bed of roses. As exciting as having an affair with a pretty young woman may seem, it’s ultimately ugly in execution. Each participant in this relationship makes a series of compromises, and that does not sit well with everyone. Rather than confront the issue and be forced to make tough choices, they accommodate. Daddy’s Wallet is an excellently told story of human nature.

"…an excellently told story of human nature."