Christian Loubek’s short film, Belief, is a powerful story about rising up in life by overcoming the obstacles in front of you and the obstacles that are unseen.
When Malcolm and his family unpack the boxes in their dream home, Malcolm discovers a letter to his mother that sparks more than a few memories. The letter informs Malcolm’s mother that he is surpassing the educational standards of his school and needs to be transferred to another school for children like him.
Knowing the true potential of her son, Malcolm’s mother decides to homeschool her son, even though she has a full-time job and very few resources. The only resources she had were a makeshift desk made from Malcolm’s bedroom door, a public library full of knowledge, a community of friends full of life lessons…and a son eager to learn.
There is a lot to say about a short film that also has a lot to say. Ultimately, Belief is simply about believing in our children when the world around them says otherwise. As a parent myself, I learned long ago that I was directly responsible for the person my children would and could become. There were times when I literally had to stop talking to people, pointing out the “problems” of my child.

“The letter informs Malcolm’s mother that he…needs to be transferred to another school for children like him.”
In turn, Belief shows that children thrive when their parents believe in them and when they see what others don’t see. When we often choose to shield them from what others say about them. Let a child believe they can become a valuable person when you may be the singular person who believes in them.
For Christian Loubek and star/producer Erika Hamilton (Mother), Belief is a passion project, and it’s impossible not to notice. Yes, the story is incredible, but director Loubek captures the tone perfectly, juxtaposing the visuals of the present with the almost dreamlike view of the past that slowly clears its way up to the present. Hamilton also nails the story of the mother and defender of her son.
Belief is a touching and powerful short film that underscores the importance of believing in our children’s potential, even when the world doesn’t. Christian Loubek’s direction and Erika Hamilton’s heartfelt performance beautifully capture the journey of a mother who defies the odds to nurture her son’s talents. This film is a testament to the transformative power of unwavering parental support.
Belief screened at the Los Angeles International Shorts Film Festival.

"…underscores the importance of believing in our children's potential..."