First, they fought off the Corona Zombies, and then Barbie and Kendra Saved the Tiger King. Now our fearless duo (Cody Renee Cameron and Robin Sydney) take aim at the mysteries of Area 51. If you’re familiar with Full Moon Founder Charles Band’s series so far, Barbie & Kendra Storm Area 51 is more of the same brand of hilarity with a few tweaks to keep it fresh.
As you may know, the Barbie & Kendra films take two B-horror/sci-fi movies and give them the What’s Up, Tiger Lily treatment. The two films, in this case, The Day Time Ended and Space Thing, are less-than-brilliantly stitched together, and the dialogue is replaced with lines light years away from the original. Then Barbie and Kendra are added during story breaks, much like Elvira every weekend on television.
In case you haven’t seen the first two films, Barbie & Kendra, find themselves able to travel from one dimension to another thanks to their television remote. It’s got this weird green glow to it that gives the remote its power. The problem is no matter where they go, the friends always run into a Corona Zombie. Never mind, this part doesn’t matter at all.
“They came to Earth to find and kidnap the child princess now living within Area 51…”
Bored of inter-dimensional travel, the ladies retreat to their tiki bar and watch the alien conspiracy cable channel, P.U.N. (the Probe-U-Network), as it reports on a story about aliens on Earth. Orbiting the planet is a space ship led by Alien Commander Banana Tits and Admiral Chunky. They came to Earth to find and kidnap the child princess now living within Area 51 with her family, or guardians, or whomever. It doesn’t matter. Commander Banana Tits must kill the princess to become Queen of the Galaxy.
Now, I loved Corona Zombies and was somewhat ambivalent to Barbie and Kendra Save The Tiger King. The third installment, Barbie and Kendra Storm Area 51, returns the series to its original comedic form. Again, it’s more of the same shtick, but now we have celebrity impressions! Good ones, too, all provided by Pitor Michael. There’s a disembodied Morgan Freeman voice, who narrates the film. The patriarch of the family protecting the princess sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger. The alien leader is a tribute to George Takei (although he mispronounces Muss-Cue-Lay-Chure). Now, as a special treat, we have a mysterious voice emanating from an other-worldly obelisk provided by Amazon’s Alexa (Yes, you can program those to say anything you want).
I had such a good time with Barbie & Kendra Storm Area 51. Its silliness is my brand of humor and works with its not-so-seamlessly dubbed dialogue, but that’s its charm. It’s 48-minute runtime never outstays its welcome. There is some excellent dubbing during the film’s sex scenes. You have to see it to believe it. The moments with Barbie and Kendra are just as fun and could have easily been throwaway moments, but Cody Renee Cameron and Robin Sydney are clearly having fun in a ‘rona-safe studio. Their characters may be bimbos (is there a better term?), but their dialogue is written so smartly. It’s best not to overthink these movies. We need to laugh at anything nowadays.

"…Its silliness is my brand of humor and works with its not-so-seamlessly dubbed dialogue..."
[…] alsnog zijn cultstatus gaat krijgen. Als ik andere besprekingen lees, zie bijvoorbeeld die op Film Threat, zijn er wel degelijk fans van dit soort… laat ik het maar humor noemen. IMDB vertelt […]