Art of Deception Image

Art of Deception

By Alan Ng | October 3, 2019

The good guys rarely win in the end without serious complications and this is true for top U.S. scientist and good guy Jospeh Markham (Richard Ryan) in Richard Ryan’s Art of Deception. He’s about to complete work on an important project with global ramifications. Unfortunately, his boss, Craig Stern (Craig Bruenell) has been secretly working with the C.I.A. to develop a deadly virus under the direction of Agent Crowley (Nicholas Talone). Once the project is done, it begins a path toward world domination and Markham doesn’t know a thing.

“he’s been working on a project that can’t afford to have witnesses, when the virus is unleashed.“

Meanwhile at home, Joseph makes big promises to his wife, Valentina (Jackie Nova), about a quieter life in luxury and permanent retirement once he’s done. Unbeknownst to Joseph, he’s been working on a project that can’t afford to have witnesses, when the virus is unleashed. The next day at work, the C.I.A. sends a few agents over to kill Jospeh and his wife, just like they did to Joseph’s partner.
Unbeknownst to the C.I.A., though, Joseph…and Valentina possess a special set of skills and the assassination attempt goes awry as Joseph escapes. Unfortunately, Valentina is not so lucky. Now Joseph’s mission is simple as he has to rescue his wife and save the world by the end of the day.

I (and Film Threat) love indie filmmakers, especially those who choose to tackles stories and genres traditionally associated with big budgets. I also love the fact that the film’s leads Richard Ryan and Jackie Nova are the ones calling the shots as the writer/producer and with Ryan behind the camera. They had an idea to make a movie and did it. The two are tackling the big-budget challenge of creating an action/conspiracy thriller. This means that Art of Deception scores a few extra points for making a film without spending millions of dollars in production or on high-priced special effects. If there’s a will, there’s a way.

Art of Deception (2019)

Directed: Richard Ryan

Written: Jackie Nova, Richard Ryan

Starring: Jackie Nova, Richard Ryan, etc.

Movie score: 6/10

Art of Deception Image

"…understand their limited resources and lean into your strengths."

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  1. Peggie Ryan-lanigan says:

    Great movie 🎥 a must see🎥

  2. Gerry Marie says:

    I give this movie 9 out of 10 (I never give 10s). The fight scenes are convincing, the story line is compelling, and I care about the characters and the outcome. Go see it!!

  3. Lynn Perdomo says:

    This is an absolute action packed thriller! The suspense has you at the edge of your seat! Valentina is a combination of graceful and fearless, and Markham is resilient at best. A must see!

  4. Peggie Ryan-lanigan says:

    Richard and Jackie’s passion and tenacity in producing Art of Deception was amazing to follow. So proud of their achievement🎥

  5. Gerry Marie says:

    What an interesting concept. I can’t wait to see how Markham gets through his duel challenges by the end of the day!

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