Anya opens with a mother about to tell her daughter, Anya, the story of how she was born. In Jacob Akira Okada and Carylanna Taylor’s sci-fi/romance, Anya’s birth is somewhat of a miracle—a scientific miracle, if you will.
The couple in question is Libby (Ali Ahn) and Marco (Gil Perez-Abraham), and they can’t have a child. As Marco explains it, they are childless because of a curse placed on the people of his home island of Narval. Legend says that those who marry outside of their own people will be cursed with infertility.

“…they are childless because of a curse placed on the people of his home island of Narval.”
Leaning into the science of it all, Libby takes Marco to her ex Seymour (Motell Foster), who lives on a boat and is an evolutionary geneticist. She wants to prove to Marco, this curse is in his head. Seymour agrees to run a few genetic tests as a favor to Libby. The results come back showing Marco may actually come from another species of human, because his genetics are just a little bit off from the entire human race. Seymour needs more samples to prove his theory from the people of his island, which may cross some anthropological lines of ethics.

"…makes a good discussion starter at parties."