Film Threat presents the debut of the trailer for Wobble Palace.
Eugene Kotlyarenko’s brazen, squirm-inducing, and deeply hilarious sex comedy Wobble Palace has it all, staring unblinking into the abyss of 21st century love. On the rocky fourth year of their romance—and the eve of the 2016 election—couple Eugene and Jane (Kotlyarenko and Dasha Nekrasova, who co-wrote the story) decide to split custody of their Los Angeles home, each using the precious hours of freedom to frantically search for something better than the other. Shot as a funhouse Instagram phantasmagoria by DP Sean Price Williams, the movie’s candy coating and manic timing conceal a core of naked desperation. You need to see Wobble Palace. And you’re in luck! It’s coming soon!
Wobble Palace will be in limited theatrical release in New York, Baltimore and Los Angeles on October 5 and then comes to DVD and VOD on October 23, 2018. Enjoy the trailer, well, right now.