Multi-media production company SpectreVision will release its first mobile game app title JoinDispatch on April 1st.
JoinDispatch combines the charm and creativity of early text interactive narrative games with the twisted creative force behind SpectreVision films A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, The Greasy Strangler, Cooties, and their recent Sun-dance hit, Mandy.
The player takes the role of a newly-hired dispatcher at a private emergency services call center. As the player progresses through calls, deciding exactly how to advise each caller, their chain of decisions steers them through a branching narrative in which sinister secrets and mysterious clues must be pieced together to reveal a broader story.
“It’s a thrill to present a text-based game that allows for so much continued narrative possibility in such a simple, evocative format,” says SpectreVision’s Creative Director and co-founder Elijah Wood. Adds CEO Lisa Whalen, “Each interaction in JoinDispatch allows the player to create a unique experience, as if you were choosing your own adventure in the Twilight Zone.”
The demo is available free for iOS at joindispatch.com (iTunes link). The player will be given an orientation by the manager and go through a trial call. For a limited time, the player can unlock an entire “work shift” (the first episode) for $.99. Future shifts will be available for in-app purchase.
JoinDispatch is the second SpectreVision game, who has partnered with Ubisoft on a game for VR and consoles: Transference, to be released later in 2018. The JoinDispatch app will be available for both Android and IOS platforms.