King of indie animation Bill Plympton’s The Modern Lives short film had its world premiere in March at New York’s School of Visual Arts Theatre. Featuring music by Jackie Greene, it showcases Plympton’s hand-drawn animations that touch on adult themes, relationships, and sexuality with a healthy dose of psychedelia. The Modern Lives takes you on a trip through an alien-invaded Times Square to the roots of the American South through Greene’s music.
The Modern Lives will screen during the week of May 14th, 2018 at Cannes. Additional festival screenings are scheduled for the ASIFA-East Festival in New York starting May 20th, 2018, and the Melbourne International Animation Festival in Australia in June.
There will also be a theater screening on May 22nd followed by a Q&A with Plympton at the Nitehawk Cinema in Brooklyn that is open to the public. More details and advance tickets are available here.