Well, we can do both, but I meant John Q because of the performance aspect.
Gallner: Well, let’s do that. I got really lucky. The band Disco Assault, who wrote the music, had a show in Detroit while we were there, and we went. It was in this old bank that these punks had basically taken over as their new venue.
Skeggs: They were on a generator
Gallner: They had literally just gotten electricity, they used to do all these generator shows. It’s a crazy little venue. Disco Assault played there and they called me up, but they called me up as Simon from PsyOps (the name of Gallner’s character’s band in the film). So, I got to play the song that you see me perform in the movie, it’s called “Obey” and we performed that live and actually got to feel that out for real before we got there on the day. So by the time we got there, I was pretty loose and ready to go.
Yeah, I had a flashback. I was like, “Oh my God, that reminds me of when I was seventeen and going to shows.”
Gallner: Yeah, totally. The cool part is, too, is J.P. (Bernier), who shot it, is a big scene kid. He’s a big music fan. Loves hardcore music, loves punk music. He spent a lot of time actually shooting punk and hardcore shows. He knows that whole vibe of the world as well so I think that he mixed with Adam found a cool way to capture that energy.
Rehmeier: I was always going to punk shows and stuff like that when I was a kid but I would not call myself a scenester. I was more like…scenester-adjacent. I was all about recording and doing stuff so like when there were other bands and other people I could collaborate with, that’s all I did. I was super-focused on recording all the time, so, most of the free time I had was spent with other people recording.

“If eating sh*t is punk rock, then yes.”
If not worse. I feel like you guys probably got asked this question but I’m too nerdy to not ask it. What is everyone’s OTHER favorite punk movie? I can tell you what mine is as an example. Mine’s The Decline of Western Civilization.
Rehmeier: Yeah, I could go that route. I could get on that train or maybe something a little non-trad like Repo Man. Or wait, no, no, no, no. no. Should we go with Savage Streets? I’m going to go with Savage Streets because Hollywood Boulevard punks..hold on, hold on. I want to do that. I could go with Valley Girl or something like that.
I’m gonna go with Savage Streets. I want to plug that. Or Class of 1984, something like that. You know where you’ve got the teacher against the punks.
Oh yeah! What about you guys, do you guys have any?
Gallner: I like Valley Girl. When I was younger, I liked SLC Punk, growing up.
Skeggs: Mine is punk-adjacent, but I love Crybaby and John Waters. I feel like he’s the OG punk.
Rehmeier: Pink Flamingos is punk as f***.
I was just about to say Pink Flamingos is probably the most punk movie of all time.
Rehmeier: If eating sh*t is punk rock, then yes.
Rehmeier: It’s wacky. It’s wacktacular. Love me some John Waters.