Top 5 Horror Films That Killed on New Year’s Eve Image

Top 5 Horror Films That Killed on New Year’s Eve

By Film Threat Staff | December 31, 2023

New Year’s Eve and horror films – an intriguing combination indeed! While New Year’s Eve is typically associated with celebration and joy, it also provides a unique backdrop for horror films, adding an element of suspense and contrast to the festivities. Here are five horror films that effectively use New Year’s Eve as a setting to ramp up the thrills and chills:

New Year’s Evil (1980)

This film is a classic in the holiday-themed slasher genre. The story revolves around a Los Angeles TV host who is stalked by a killer planning a series of murders that correspond with the stroke of midnight in different time zones. It’s a must-watch for its inventive premise and how it uses the New Year’s countdown to build tension.

The Signal (2007)

Although not entirely set on New Year’s Eve, this film’s first part, titled “Transmission I: Crazy in Love,” takes place during the holiday. It’s a unique take on the genre, blending psychological horror and science fiction, where a mysterious transmission turns people into killers. The New Year’s Eve setting adds an eerie juxtaposition to the unfolding chaos.

Terror Train (1980)

While technically a New Year’s Eve party on a train, the setting provides a claustrophobic and suspenseful backdrop. A group of college students are stalked by a masked killer during a costume party aboard the train. The film is notable for its atmosphere and tension-building, using the isolated and moving setting to great effect.

End of Days (1999)

This horror-action film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger blends elements of horror with a supernatural plot. Set around the turn of the millennium, it involves a battle against a satanic figure intent on bringing about the end of the world at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve. The film uses millennial anxieties and New Year’s Eve symbolism to heighten the apocalyptic stakes.

Bloody New Year (1987)

This British horror film offers a mix of sci-fi and supernatural elements. The plot revolves around a group of friends who find themselves stranded on an island with strange occurrences linked to a time warp that keeps the island permanently on New Year’s Eve. It’s an interesting take on the holiday horror theme with a twist of time anomaly.

Each of these films uses the New Year’s Eve setting to add an extra layer of suspense and thematic depth. They demonstrate how a festive and widely celebrated event can be turned on its head to create engaging and memorable horror narratives. Perfect for horror aficionados looking for a thematic twist on their New Year’s Eve movie marathon.

What horror film would you include?

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