Most Famous and Legendary Actors that Consume Cannabis  Image

Most Famous and Legendary Actors that Consume Cannabis 

By Film Threat Staff | May 24, 2022

Cannabis is more widespread and embraced in the world than it ever was before and many celebrities are coming out and admitting that they are keen cannabis consumers. Cannabis is a plant that is mainly used recreationally however, it is now being used more for medical purposes because of the many benefits of CBD. For many many decades, there have been strict laws against cannabis consumption because it has a bad connotation and people viewed it as something dangerous. Now, we find cannabis has become something more widely accepted and embraced in society which has opened the door for expansion in the cannabis market. A few popular cannabis accessories on the market at the moment include vaporizers, dab rigs, and many variations of bongs just to name a few. Consuming cannabis will help you in many aspects of your mental and physical health which is why the following famous actors and actresses are big supporters of this plant. Delta 8 is a popular strain. 

Morgan Freeman 

Morgan Freeman is an open advocate for cannabis legalization and has been reported as saying that cannabis is the only thing that offers him relief from fibromyalgia pain, visit website. Interestingly enough, it was Morgan Freeman’s wife that introduced him to cannabis and he proudly says he will consume cannabis in any way whether it is smoking it, drinking it, or eating it.

Patrick Stewart 

Patrick Stewart is an Actor in Hollywood that has openly declared he smokes weed almost every single day of his life. He has traced his cannabis consumption back to the day a doctor prescribed him a cannabis spray to help him with his arthritis. Since then, he has been dedicated to cannabis consumption and has incorporated it into his daily routine. 

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron is an actress who declared that she does not smoke that much cannabis anymore. She has admitted. However, a massive part of her career was spent being a “wake-and-baker” which is a popular term in the stoner community for people who would light a blunt as soon as they wake up in the morning. Now, Charlize is a mother and has curbed her cannabis consumption a lot/ 

Jane Fonda 

Jane Fonda is a legendary Hollywood actress and activist who has openly spoken about her support of CBD products. Fonda uses these CBD products to treat pain and discomfort that she experiences from osteoarthritis and has stated that she uses a weed pen to consume her cannabis. Weed pens allow her to limit how many doses of cannabis she gets which is why she prefers this product and why it works well for her. 

Jennifer Lawrence 

Jennifer Lawrence is a Hollywood Actress that has come out and expressed her love for weed. She has even been photographed consuming cannabis by the paparazzi and has openly shared an experience of being paranoid after smoking weed. It would seem as though cannabis is widely supported by Ms. Lawrence who has also admitted to smoking it up with her brother before attending the Oscars. 

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt is another Hollywood A-list actor who is quieter about his use of cannabis. Brad Pitt has revealed in an interview that he used to smoke cannabis throughout the 90’s and at some point was consuming so much that he had to start hiding. Brad also admits that cannabis became an unhealthy substance in his life that he would use excessively and it became a problem when his consumption started interfering with his daily life functioning. This then motivated him to stop smoking entirely and seek help. 

Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford has always kept to himself about his cannabis consumption however, it is said that he is an avid pot smoker. He has made many public references to pot smoking and his Star Wars co-star Carrie Fisher has openly spoken about his cannabis use and how the two of them would smoke together during the making of the film. 

Cannabis consumption is loved and used by many and celebrities are not the exception. Many celebrities have openly admitted that cannabis is an essential part of boosting their creative functions which helps them perform better and connect more to their art. It is also a great way to soothe all the anxiety that comes with being in the public eye.  

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