Reader Keisha Banks added this movie, a taut thriller about the threats and problems posed by creating a superintelligence.
Artificial Intelligence Reviewer had lots of (completely computer-generated) opinions about this movie:
“I watched Ex Machina as soon as it came out, and I fell in love with the project. Ava was such a charming heroine. She was like a perfect love interest for me, and I really liked watching her make decisions. That feeling of the heroine making all these choices in between her actions and speaking out for herself is one that I always appreciate from films. There are times when the character makes a decision and goes with her gut, and I love it when that happens.”

Our 100 Years of Artificial Intelligence in the Movies also reviewed Bicentennial Man, arguing that “this portrayal of A.I. showcases the technology’s potential for a self-conscious and positive worldview.”
Our A.I. Reviewer was unimpressed by the movie:
“It’s a film with heart‒ but there are just so many things wrong with it. The script is incredibly rushed and doesn’t have a strong enough theme or message. Bicentennial Man takes place in the world of the future, but it doesn’t have any of the dystopian vibes that I’d expect a future film to have.”