Tribeca film fest is featuring This Is Climate Change, a four-part virtual reality documentary series from Participant Media and Condition One. Created by Danfung Dennis and Eric Strauss, the series transports viewers into an unfolding global crisis and allows you to witness four unique stereoscopic stories of cause and effect—four calls for action.
Melting Ice which premiered at Sundance last year shows the natural consequences from climate change. It is followed by three more episodes (Fire, Feast, and Famine) in virtual reality that transports you along with Al Gore to Greenland where glaciers collapse and melting ice becomes raging rivers. The effects of climate change are experienced first hand. Fire immerses you in last year’s debilitating California blazes with firefighters’ work seen in breathtaking close-up. Feast drops viewers into Brazil’s rainforests where cattle ranches threaten the ecosystem, while Famine depicts once-fertile Somalian lands turned arid, forcing people into growing displacement camps.
Danfung and Eric are using Virtual Reality to show the conditions for those directly experiencing the consequences of climate change.
Fire and Feast will premiere at Tribeca Film Festival on April 21st in the Tribeca Cinema360 VR Theater. They will also be released that day on the app for iOS and Android. Famine will be released on the app on May 10th and Melting Ice will be released later this Spring.
For more information and to purchase tickets, go to