The produce of the Toofy Film Fest, for better and for worse, comes at us in the Toofy Shorts collection, volume one.
And there’s a wide array of shorts in here–twelve of them, to be exact–covering everything from little boys who won’t eat vegetables to postwar Italian families. You’ll see the most disturbing Tunnel of Love ever, and even a bit of Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
The good part about a collection like this–which is also its down side–is that there’s always something different. Don’t like what you’re seeing? Wait a couple minutes and it’ll change. They’ll try something totally new and different with you. And you might prefer that–but then again, you might like the new film even less.
There is some fantastic stuff here, no two ways about it. “Spin” and “Fetch” are definitely near the top of my heap, but this is not the distinction you’d think it is. Fact is, MOST of the Toofy shorts are engaged in a lunatic, tooth-and-nail battle for the first three of my top twelve. And though some will prove to be serious downers–“Mares” and “Stealing Innocence,” I’m looking at you–there will still be plenty of laughter and jollity and people getting killed by undead bunnies toting screwdrivers to go around.
All in all, this one’s definitely worth getting your hands on.