“The Face of the Earth” feels pretty realistic in the way it handles the issue of suicide, but there isn’t enough information presented to make you feel any kind of real bonding with the characters. Maybe that’s good. I would argue differently, though. I wanted to know more about John (James Morricone) and Cicci (Jack Caruso), and I wanted to know it before their lives changed forever in a motel room.
At just under twenty minutes, this film could’ve fit some more characterization in, and a bit more explanation, too. Watching it, I had the distinct feeling I knew what was going on and why, but also that I was probably wrong. If the writer was trying to get his audience to think, it worked, but for all the wrong reasons.
With all those complaints, this is still an interesting film. Sure, the acting may not be the best, but the dialogue is engaging enough to keep you focused. I just wish there would’ve been more of everything. More plot, more explanation and more time. Leaving all that out hurt more than it helped, and it’s rare that I say that.
“The Face of the Earth” is a good effort, but ultimately flawed. I think this filmmaker’s future is bright, though, and I look forward to seeing what’s next.