Your Independent Movie Guide
Monthly Archives: March 2006
By | March 2006
Shotgun blast. A lot more fun.
Shotgun blast. A lot more...
Give it...
George Clooney... "Goodnight" won't win shit for the rest of the evening... yup, said it himself... Gore says it's the soundtrack to Nixon behind...
George Clooney in a noticeable beard? Matt Dillon as the guy that blew off Mike Ferraro? Paul Giamatti as a man deserving of an apology by the...
The winner OR will be OR George Clooney OR I'm wrong OR Matt Dillon NOOOOOO!!!! OR...
That was the greatest Oscar clip reel ever. Only to be beaten, no doubt, by the death...
So far, so-so. One moment Stewart bombs, the next moment, a funny. When Stewart was on Larry King Live this week, he showed why he's so good at what he...
that was for you,...
Biplanes, Rocky, Ratso Rizzo, Darth Vader duel, Travis Bickle, why Cleopatra? James Dean, the DeLorean, Forrest Gump, Superman, all in the opening...
Darkened sunglasses. If he takes them off and you look right at him, you become ashes,...