This letter is addressed to all of our readers that subscribe to the weekly email newsletter –
Dear spam-abused reader,
Yes, our list was hacked yet again. We would never send you a note like that using our list. All I can say is that I am embarassed and very sorry. On top of that, I am also really pissed off!
I was on a layover on my flight to the St. Louis International Film Festival when I checked my e-mail on my cell phone. Hundreds of messages from concerned readers pointed out something was wrong. They were spammed by our list. I was furious! I immediately called our webmaster Barry Robison, who has been setting up our own listserv. We’ll be shutting down our Yahoo list this weekend and using our own listserv as of Monday.
Also know that this time we intend to do something about it. California has strict anti-spam laws and we will be going after the culprits legally. Again, please accept my sincere apologies. When you signed up for our e-mail, you put your trust in us and we promised never to send you spam. This has now happened twice, and beyond my control and I am truly sorry.
If you wish to unsubscribe yourself from the Yahoo List, all you have to do is send an e-mail to:
If there’s anything I can do to make it up to you, let me know. I care deeply about our readers, the Film Threat site and our mission to champion true independent films. The ironic thing is that I actually “secretly admire” all our readers for having the courage to read Film Threat instead of all the other lame entertainment outlets on the web.
Thanks, ^ Chris Gore