“The Women’s Image Network (WIN), producer of the WIN Awards, announces director, Gurinder Chadha, (BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM, BRIDE & PREJUDICE) will be its 2005 Chaplin Limelight Award Honoree.
Established in 2003, The Chaplin Limelight Award spotlights emerging women directors, who bring a sense of innovation and originality, together with a standard of excellence, to their creative pursuits. Former Chaplin Limelight Award recipients include, Catherine Hardwicke, (Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown) and Vicky Jenson, (Shrek, A Shark’s Tale).
Ms. Chadha will be on hand to accept her award at The WIN Awards ceremony on Monday, September 26, 2005 in Los Angeles, California.
The Chaplin Limelight Award is a new edition to The WIN Awards, which were first produced in 1993 and presented to producer, Laura Ziksin, (Spider Man) and the Women In Film founder, Tichi Wilkerson.
The WIN Award Lifetime Achievement recipients also include: Linda Wolf, (Chairman/CEO, Leo Burnett), Lauren Shuler Donner, (Producer, X-MEN), Jane Campion, (Director, THE PIANO), Lauren Bacall, (Actress, THE BIG SLEEP), Lily Tomlin, (Actress, I HEART HUCKABEES), Pierce Brosnan, (Actor, DIE ANOTHER DAY), and Lynn Redgrave, (Actress, KINSEY).
The non-profit media advocacy company, Women’s Image Network was created to “Foster A World Where Everyone WINs” and by encouraging media makers to present women as fully flawed and as completely capable as their male counterparts, WIN hopes that women will attain economic and social parity. To that end produces its WIN Awards which were formerly a “by-invitation only” honor. In the year 2000, WIN began inviting television networks, film studios and commercial creative artists to compete for a WIN award in one these categories: Feature Films, Documentary Films, Episodic Comedy Series, Episodic Drama Series, Animation Series, Reality Series, News Series, Shows/Films Directed By A Woman and Commercials (Internet & Television) spots Art Directed, Written OR Directed By A Woman.
Gurinder Chadha is set to direct three features including “I Dream of Jennie,” “My Sassy Girl” and “the Closet,” film director, (“Bride & Prejudice,” “Bend It Like Beckham”), Gurinder Chadha was born in Kenya, growing up in Southall, London. Gurinder studied at the University of East Anglia. After working as a broadcast journalist, her first directorial venture was I’m British But., a documentary made for Channel 4 and the BFI in 1989. The film uses the phenomenon of bhangra music to explore issues of identity and belonging among young British-born Asians.
For more info, visit the Women’s Image Network website.