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By Admin | June 14, 2006

Was that Total Recall too hard for you guys to catch? Anway, it’s official – the Cinevegas Film Festival is the greatest film festival in the history of the world. Great film, awesome parties, and uh, it’s in Vegas.


Last night it was party time. I was determined to rock and roll, and rock and roll I did. I met up with a Vegas local named Miriam (like ‘delirium’) and we drove up to Mandalay Bay where there was a party with sharks. Seriously, the venue was Shark Reef and there were sharks.


See? I told you so. Anywho, we met up with Mark and we grabbed some beverages. After we did a tour of the water life, we headed to another party in the same hotel at a bar called Forty Deuce. When we walked in, Mark became really excited at all the colorful lights and sounds this bar had to offer us.


Soon after our arrival, the bar transformed into a platform for a trio of musicians.


Then some ladies hit the stage and gave us a show.


Then, something came over Mark and I am not quite sure what it was, but I have a picture to prove it…


Doug Ecks from Damn Yankee Day was even perplexed by what was going on.


I looked towards the band and I think I may have discovered what excited Mark so… It look like Film Threat’s own Don Lewis was on drums! (Don Lewis joke courtesy of Mark Bell)


After a checked out a few more ladies, Bell and I kicked it with Mike Reilly whose film, Another One Bites the Dust, played in the UNLV short film showcase. Mark really likes to hold filmmakers’ hands.


After a few more trips around the bar to converse (and drink), I some how convinced Mark to climb up on the bar and shake what his mother gave him. Give Mark a Stella or two, and that dude will do anything. Look at him rock it!


I then climbed the stage with Miriam and, for some reason, joined Mark in the shake session.


And now it’s the next day. I’m sitting in the press room, with a hangover from Hell, chewing on a bagel without cream cheese. It was worth it though.

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  1. Mark Bell says:

    You’re in denial, Don. He smiled like you, he was you…

  2. Don Lewis says:

    I look like alot of things (a drunk, a jackass, Ryan Stiles) but that guy looks nothing like me! Well, the ears maybe…and the keen sense of rhythm. That drummer looks like Andy Kaufman’s alter ego Tony Clifton.

  3. I don’t really think my alcohol filled stomach could handle the cream cheese.

    Now I wish I had some though, as I sit next to Mark, on a shiny white couch.

  4. Rory L. Aronsky says:

    Mike, you have truly lived the essence of Vegas and I bow to you eternally and build a shrine of bagels WITH cream cheese in your honor.

  5. William Goss says:


    Greatest film festival, my a*s.

    Better be having a good time. *grumbles continue*

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