“White Blossom” does more in fourteen minutes than most romantic comedies do in ninety. It manages to be funny, romantic and erotic all while fleshing out some fairly standard characters who have heart despite being near cliches.
The plot revolves around the young Angelina (Marissa Petroro), who has lost her elderly husband. She goes to his grave on a regular basis to bury lingerie that she has masturbated in while evoking his memory. What she doesn’t know is that various townspeople have been digging up her dainties and sniffing them like prized flowers. One of these men, Duccio (Victor Alfieri), isn’t satisfied with just fabric, however. He wants the woman, so he cooks up a plan where he tells the widow her dead husband has come to him in a dream with a few requests. You’ll have to watch the film to find out where it goes from there.
This movie could’ve failed on so many different levels. Instead, it succeeds on all of them. The actors, story and production are all excellent, and writer/director Christine Kelley knows how to get the best from all these things. If this is the last film she graces us with, then she’s left us with a gem.