Two classy gentlemen in tuxes complete with tails and top hats are given their walking papers. Seems the vaudeville dance act is just not what it used to be. The two well-dressed unemployed gentlemen are sent on their merry way. Their depressed but dressed very dapper. It is in their despair that the two find themselves in the right place at the right time. They walk into a funeral parlor and suddenly end up as pall bearers. They walk into a wedding and end up eating, drinking and dancing with the wedding party. Hysterical situational comedy played totally straight by the two brilliant lead actors.
“Two in Tails”‘s German title is “Zwei im Frack,” though there is very little dialog in the entire film. It plays more like a silent short or a classic cartoon from the forties. I could have watched another 90 minutes of the misadventures of these two dour German kooks. Humor served dry with a twist — hysterical stuff!