Since word got out that Michael Bay’s new production company will be responsible for the big budget remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, die-hard fans of the original film, directed by Tobe Hooper, have been grumbling curses. In fact, it doesn’t appear that anyone is looking forward to this remake.
At the same time, word got out that Tobe Hooper would somehow be affiliated with the project as well, but it was foggy as to what extent…until now. Cinescape recently spoke to Hooper and this is what he had to say about the film.
“I didn’t have to sign off on (the idea for the film). I’m involved kind of peripherally. I don’t have the slightest idea of what I’m going to see. I hope it is interesting. The times seem to be right for it. I think it’s a matter of if they dig up enough of the spirit of these crazy times we’re in because really that’s what Chainsaw was and is. The original bubbled up out of its times and in these times, as far as that goes, are far richer and deeper with horror than back then. We’ll see. You have to throw a net over a spirit that you hope you conjure up.”
When asked how close to the original the remake will be, Hooper had this to say, “It’s going to be different. It is different. I don’t think they’re doing shot-by-shot or anything like that. I do know they’re in prep and they’ve found locations and there will be a house, so maybe it is close. Leatherface is back”.
Go ahead and visit Tobe Hooper’s brand new website.