Early in the film “There’s A Caterpillar In My Bok Choy,” a disclaimer scrolls down the screen stating, in part, “One of the main characters quit 3/4 way through shooting and we could not afford to reshoot, but we were lucky enough to find someone who looked a lot like her.” A stunned viewer may begin to think that they’re in for a cinematic meltdown on the order of Ed Wood’s “Plan 9 From Outer Space.” But what’s really happening is we are experiencing the comic flair of writer/director/star Katharine Leis–and, indeed, Leis’s humor is what sets this movie apart.
As the story unfolds, Delilah (Leis) is a pretty single gal who has caught the eye of superstalker Bill (Gustavo Flores). The looney bastard does stuff like pasting photos of himself and Delilah together and putting them on display in his house. Meanwhile, Delilah watches a lot of TV and sees a slew of wacky commercials and shows–as well as a video of the band Agent 99.
Soon, Agent 99 are at Delilah’s house and are chased around by a “ghost.” But the ghost turns out to be a very disturbing character named Mr. Strawberry (Cy Jariz Cyr). He’s the creepiest thing I’ve seen this side of Pee Wee Herman or maybe Richard “The Night Stalker” Ramirez, which makes him perfect for children’s television. His appearance on the show “Playtime With Puppy” is marred by a brutal showdown with a sock puppet, which one can just imagine irrevocably damaging the psyche of some dense little 5 year-old viewer.
Back at Delilah’s pad, her friend Paige (Katharine Kissingford) is giving Delilah crap about her boyfriend and other assorted topics. Bill keeps stalking and Delilah breaks up with her boyfriend (John Caddigan). Could this be Bill’s big chance to score with the starlet of his deranged fantasies? You’ll have to see “…Boy Choy” to find out, but what you can be assured of is this is one funny movie. And Katharine Leis is an actress and director to watch. DVD extras include cast interviews and an alternate ending.