Okay, so last month, I finally saw “London.” I mean, I’d heard from folks that it was an awful and grueling movie to sit through, but sometimes you just have to experience it. There’s something in us that, even though we’re told being stung by a bee hurts, inspires us to seek out that bee and have that experience.
It was the same thing with “London.” People were talking endlessly about this film that was utterly awful, and yet I sought it out. And it still stings. Suffice it to say, “London” was an awful and dreadful relationship drama that sought out to be such an edgy glance at romance between two f**k-ups.
The redeeming trait of course being Kelly Garner, whose snatch I’d cut a pinky finger off to get my head in-between.
“The Trouble with Men and Women,” in its generic title and instant genre pigeon hole, is much like the aforementioned film, except… not as moronic, and utterly sappy.
The problems with “London,” though, are basically the same here. We’re expected to give a s**t about two utterly vapid folks, and their relationship when they’re just so annoying to watch. And of course, as with all romance dramas, people quote philosophers, they wax poetic about romance, and our main character Matt attempts single life even in the face of his inability to move on from his past relationship with his ex, Deborah.
And the sad aspect is that no one ever tells Matt to shut the f**k up and get a life, they instead have some long drawn out speech about romance and what some Greek philosopher had to say about love or relationships. Do people actually do this?
Aside from the utterly gorgeous Kate Ashfield present and accounted for, “The Trouble with Men and Women” is a typical romance dramedy that really never covers new ground. Characters go in and out of bars, our main man Matt moans about his girlfriend, and just can’t find a way to move on, and nothing is really ventured or gained in the entire time we’re watching.
The pacing and energy lags, while we’re struggling to discover what the whole point is to this story. Is Matt in love with his confidant Susie? Is he still in love with his ex? Will he stay with the gorgeous woman he conveniently met on the subway?
All in all, “The Trouble with Men and Women” is yet another dreary romance drama that’s redundant, tedious, and often too vapid to be taken seriously when focusing on one dimensional cardboard cutouts we’re told we have to care about.