Gareth Von Kallenbach checks in with this report from Seattle where two fans are already in line for “Star Wars Episode II.” Here’s his report… ^ Today word began to circulate around the web about a group of Star Wars fans who have started to camp out for Episode II. Since the fans were located in my are of the nation, Seattle, WA. I decided to pay them a visit. Upon arriving at the landmark Cinerama Theater, I was greeted by four members of the Seattle Star Wars Society. President John Guth was in attendance, and had just completed an interview with a local news station. After catching up with John, I set about asking the group a series of questions.
The first question I asked was the most obvious one, “Why are you lining up so early?” what I learned was that this event is part of a film project, as well as an action to increase awareness about the club and the numerous charity functions that they are invloved with. It was explained to me that should the group have started to line up in April for instance, then the art project would not have the time that was needed for it to be developed properly, also since they lined up 31 days prior for “The Phantom Menace,” the group wanted to beat their old record. During the course of my visit, I learned that the group plans to have wireless internet access soon, so they can conduct their business and pass time while on line. John Guth also wanted to make mention of how pleasant and cooperative the Seattle Police Department have been, and wanted to praise them for their support and professional treatment of the line event. While there are those who will undoubtedly pass coments about members in the line having no life, being losers, and only out for attention, they are not harming anyone, and if they chose to pass their time in this manner, then it is their right as Americans to do so. When the issues of work and funding were raised, Guth explained that since he owns his own business, all he requires is web access to complete his work. Other members of the line said that they hold jobs, and will sit in line when they are not working, and will come and go as various needs arise, but are comitted to remaining in line.
Get more info from the Seattle Star Wars Society and also check out Waiting for Star Wars.com.
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