One of the favorite topics of dramatic short films is old people. Most of the time, it’s a film about an old guy, on his death bed asking himself “what have I left the world”… then finding nothing, but then finding something smaller… and figuring out everything he thought was important wasn’t…blah, blah, blah just in time. I’ve seen it a million times.
“The Good Life” is different. This short film on first glance seems to have the same premise, an older guy, alone, questioning his life… but this time, instead of wondering what he’s got to show for it, he’s questioning what’s left of his quality of life. An existential “why,” not about life in general… but in growing older. A question that, unfortunately, is very realistic.
Genius cinematography, quality imagery, beautiful scenery … made me want to go to Florida, and that wasn’t the point of the film at all. Rex Benson is great as the lead, he’s a fine actor who tells a story with many subtleties that often would have been overlooked by a lesser talent. The symbolism, at times was a little obvious, and the film depended on it entirely.. Which, having such a talent at your disposal with Benson, seemed a little wasteful. The film it’s self could have taken a cue from their actors understated style.
Eh, the ending, I didn’t get it. Oh I get it, all Bergman style, essence of life, rebirth, etc., but… how the hell is that guy going to get home? “The Good Life II… The Cab Ride Home!”