The Facer loves to attack many on the internet, including this web site, but one of their favorite targets is the crew over at Ain’t It Cool News, especially when it has to do with Drew McWeeney, the Facer’s apparent arch-nemesis. Insults have been tossed back and forth over the Internet for nearly a year now, getting either combatant nowhere fast.
Until… now.
The Facer has animated his dislike for the man that would be called Moriarty in what will become a series of online shorts called “The Drew McWeeney Show.” The first episode of this ongoing series reveals how McWeeney came to “power” over at AICN. You have to give the Facer points for creativity. The crew at AICN have refused to comment on the show and any talk back that even mentions the Facer or the show is quickly taken down and the talk backer banned. Too bad. This show is sick genius!
Check out the first clip over at The Facer dot Net.