Since the mere mention of its possible existence in a blog entry, we’ve gotten questions concerning the Chris Gore Sex Tape. Since we can’t dodge the topic any longer, let’s get the facts on the table, and the Film Threat frontpage.
Below you’ll find the re-printed blog entry that started the emails a-flowing, as well as the videos that sparked the controversy. Watch the videos, and let us know what you think. Did Chris Gore make a sex tape? Was a small dog involved? Does he frost his hair, or is he really old (Chris Gore, not the dog)? Read and watch at you own risk:
The real story of the “Chris Gore Sex Tape”… by Chris Gore, dated 03/02/07
I should begin by telling you that there is absolutely no truth to the racy headline you see screaming at you from above. Okay, there is some truth. But the real story might cause more confusion, so allow me to explain.
Yes, there is a video floating around on the web which does contain a few hard PG-13 or R scenes (depending on your level of sensitivity) involving attempted “lovemaking” along with some fairly explicit audio featuring myself and another woman. And, yes, it is also true that one of the sequences does involve a dog as well as water sports. If you read descriptions of those aforementioned scenes out of context, then this tape might seem like a scandal in the making. I assure you that these reports are very imaginative exaggerations and are completely false.
What these reports fail to mention is that the scenes are from series of short films that have come to be known as The Princess Trilogy. These clever shorts are the work of student filmmaker Sally Foster, who also appears in them. Sorry to disappoint.
It is also true that Ms. Foster has written and directed a short, produced by yours truly. And I even have a bit part in it. The description of her new 5-minute 16mm short A Sim-ple Romance goes as follows: Abandoned by her friends, Maggie turns to a computer game for love.

The computer game mentioned is The Sims and if you are a fan of this game, then you’ll love this cute li’l movie. A Sim-ple Romance cannot be seen online, but will premiere at the SXSW Film Festival next week, in fact, Saturday, March 10th at 11:15 AM at the Alamo Lamar 1 playing in front of the feature documentary The King of Kong.
Now, in the interests of the truth, Ms. Foster is presenting the alleged “Chris Gore Sex Tapes” in the correct context – you can now view the complete The Princess Trilogy on her MySpace Filmmaker Profile. Episode one, Goodnight Sweet Princess is the set up for the series, episode two entitled A Letter from Princess, is particularly good, and episode three, Princess’ Favorite Toy, goes in a direction no one would predict. (It’s worth noting that the third part does contain the alleged “canine action.”) All three are very short, in the two-minute range, so they’re worth a look. Here’s a link to the first one for your amusement… (editorial note: other two videos added as well)
Part 2: A Letter from Princess
Part 3: Princess’ Favorite Toy
I expect that this will finally put to rest all of those nasty rumors. So check out The Princess Trilogy and come see A Sim-ple Romance at SXSW or other festivals where the film may play. I am really excited to be working with an up and coming talent like Sally as she begins her festival journey. Now that the truth is out, I can only hope that the journey will be “controversy-free.”
Your pal,
Chris Gore
So there you go, folks, that’s all we know about the Chris Gore Sex Tape. If you’d like to share your thoughts with us about it, forget email. We’ve gotten enough of those. Take it to Back Talk or comment directly on Gore’s blog entry. Now I’m going to go wash my eyes out with bleach, and then embark on a campaign to eliminate all chihuahuas on the face of the Earth lest they finally achieve their goal of world domination.
See you at SXSW 2007!
– Mark Bell, Editor-in-Chew Toys