A still from his best skit ever, The Chris Farley Show.
I then responded with some words of my own. A few days ago, he finally responded with this:
Thanks for the reply and explanation – which I take at full value. Now it’s my turn for a mea culpa – I gotta say sorry for the O’Reilly crack. That’s a mean thing to say to anyone! But I knew I’d get some kind of response with that line.
Anyway, my point was that most actors are never given the chance to really showcase their talents. Comedy writers and directors often times have no clue about making funny movies (or getting people to be their funniest). Case in point – Chris’s last film (Almost Heroes) was directed by Christopher Guest – a brilliant comedy genius when he writing/directing for himself. But the film he did with Chris and Matthew Perry was terrible compared to what it should have been.
Anyway, as they say on the playground, “”no blood, no foul”. Rock on, man.
Tom Farley
Words can indeed heal. So that’s that.