Damn do I hate getting into someone else’s car and not being able to get the seat belt to work. It reveals me as the non-mechanically inclined dummy that I am. And what can you do when something like this happens to you? You can just grin sheepishly, hoping that someone will come to your aid or you can keep tugging at it like a madman, either way you wind up looking like a complete jackass.
“The Belt”, a funny short film, deals with this very problem. Two guys get into an old 1973 BMW. Everything’s cool, these guys are ready to cruise…but the passenger can’t get his goddamn seat belt strap to reach across him. The ensuing next few minutes illustrate just about every technique you can use to get said seat belt to cooperate, which winds up making both guys in the car look like complete jackasses.
Seat belts not only save lives, but they cause plenty of stress as well.